Who We Are?
ANAWA Trust is managed and run solely by Volunteers who are the wives or widows of former military officers of our Armed Forces.
This dedicated band of ANAWA volunteers; tirelessly devote their personal time and energy, without any remuneration whatsoever.
And this has been our guiding principle and the hallmark of ANAWA Trust Noida.
Within the overarching national goal of uplifting the marginalised and weaker sections of our society, ANAWA has carved a small niche for itself with a Two-Fold Mission :
FIRSTLY: To provide education for children who belong to a deprived and underprivileged section of our society
SECONDLY: To empower young girls and women from marginalised sections of our society through vocational training schemes that instil self-esteem and confidence.
It was in 1994 that ANAWA came into being when a small group of wives of military veterans located Delhi, launched ‘ ANAWA’ and designated it as ‘ Army Navy Air Force Wives Association ‘.
This dedicated group of founder members included: ( Late) Dr Mrs Ramesh Chibber (w/o Lt Gen Chibber ), ( Late) Mrs Usha Bakshi (w/o Gp Capt Bakshi ), Mrs Kelly Sikand ( w/o Air Marshal Sikand )
We have about 400 children and 50 adults enrolled with us, in different projects. Offering the equal opportunity to children, hailing from marginalised families, our programmes encourage and equip them to participate in sports, physical training, outings and participation in competitive cultural events, spread throughout the year.
Focussed on the future, we at ANAWA Trust understand that levelling social and economic imbalances in the society, around us, begin with educating the unschooled, dropouts, adult empowerment, through adults, vocational training, and providing financial and educational support to children, enabling them to complete their school level education.

Kelly Sikand
Kelly Sikand, wife of retired Air Marshal B.S.Sikand, had the good fortune to spear-head social work activities in a number of Air Force bases under the aegis of Air Force Wives Welfare Association (AFWWA) She was Secretary of AFWWA Central, to the then chief’s wife, Mrs.Shiela Katre & so had the opportunity to administer the Regional AFWWAs and their smaller counterparts. She was a founding member of Army Navy Air Force Wives Charitable Association (ANAWA), and its Vice President

Jasmine Johnson
Jasmine Johnson, wife of retired Vice Admiral H. Johnson is a qualified Teacher and has worked in various Institutions at her husband’s Posting Stations including a school for Spastic Children run by Spastic Society of India. She was always closely involved in programs of Naval Wives Welfare Association for Sailor’s Families. She was instrumental in establishing in Mumbai a kindergarten cum Play School, a School for Rehabilitation of severely handicapped children, a Counselling Service for Naval Wives and Children in distress, a free Homeopathic Clinic and a Hostel for daughters of naval personnel who had to move during academic year and programs and activities involving children. She is currently in-charge of the ANAWA Trust School project ANKUR, as also the Vocational Programme JAGRITI, for girls above 14 yrs who have been deprived of education and are on the brink of marriage.

Meenakshi Subramanian
Meenakshi Subramanian, wife of late Wg.Cdr.P.S.Subramanian, was the Founder President of Worker’s wives Welfare Association, HAL Lucknow, where her husband was posted. She was also coordinator of the Masala centre run by HAL Bangalore. She has been associated with ANKUR since its inception and is the Trust coordinator with the National Institute of Open Schooling

Shashi Sharma
Shashi Sharma, wife of retired Col. Sharma, is an active member of Lioness Club for many years, being involved with Blood donation camps, and Camps for Hepatitus and Small pox vaccinations, Polio Drops, Health of Women and Children. She has served two terms as its President

Venita Kumar
Venita Kumar, wife of retired Adm. Sushil Kumar, ex-Chief of Navy Staff, was President, Naval Wives Welfare association (NWWA) and deeply involved with welfare activities in the Naval centres, especially the sailors, their families and their widows. Of special concern was the plight of the handicapped children in the Naval bases, for whom she started SANKALP a holding centre/creche in Mumbai, with the help of a small group of volunteers. This creche started with 4 children in 1991 and has now become a pan Naval project with branches in most Naval bases. She brings with her a host of experience and ideas for implementation and smooth functioning of an organization.
Tel: 0120-4355790, Mob: 9810800576

Kamna R. Cowasjee
Kamna R. Cowasjee, wife of retired Wg. Cdr. R. A. Cowasjee, has worked as Counsellor and Manager of 3 Marie Stopes Clinics run by the NGO Parivar Seva Sanstha, (PSS) for 10 years. A Trained Trainer from PDI Bangkok she has worked with grass-root level workers and organized communicational and motivational workshops. She initiated the Family Life Education Programmes, through PSS, in a cross-section of Public Schools, Kendriya Vidhyalayas and Government Schools in Delhi, and later authored of a series of books “Learning To Fly” on the subject, available in Hindi and English.
Mob: 9910015871

Vimla Katiyar
Vimla Katiyar, wife of late Wg.Cdr. Shashi Kumar Katiyar, has 10 years of teaching experience in Air Force run schools and has worked as Head Mistress in Uttarakhand Public School NOIDA, in Sector 56, NOIDA.
Mob: 9891099732

Aruna Sood
Aruna Sood, wife of retired Grp. Capt. D. P. Sood, has taught English and Geography at a number of schools across India during 25 years of her service. She has been associated with ANAWA Noida chapter for more than two decades. and with ANKUR, through various activities. She is the Honorary Treasurer of All India Women’s Conference, Noida, where she manages the finances of the organisation and raises funds for the social work.
Mob: 9810206132

Veena Seth
Veena Seth, wife of retired Lt. Gen. K. M. Seth, has headed Army Wives Welfare Association (AWWA) projects and started Vocational Training Centres for the wives of the jawans and also opened Nursery schools for their children and ASHA schools for the differently abled children. She had the opportunity to initiate a number of socially relevant programmes for women and children in Tripura and Chattisgarh where her husband was Governor. She was awarded the prestigious Nari Shakti Samman by the State Government and also the Kasturba Gandhi Award of Rs.25000/ for her dedicated hard work towards the cause of the needy while her husband was in service and later.
Tel: 0120-2430909, Mob: 9968251515

Sneh Garg
Sneh Garg, wife of retired Gp Capt. R C Garg, is a trained teacher having done her BA BEd from Delhi University & Montessori training from St. Mary’s Pune. She has 24 years of active teaching experience in Senior Secondary Schools and had twice won the best teacher award.
Mob: 9717771698

Pramila Gaur
Pramila Gour, wife of late Rear Adm PN Gour, is a trained teacher with experience, including being Principal of TINY TOTS School in Visakhapatnam. Eversince coming to Jalvayuvihar in NOIDA, in 1991, she got involved with parks and gardens, cleanliness drives and setting up of toilets for the shopkeepers. She joined ANKUR ANAWA School in 2000 and along with Jasmine Johnson initiated the JAGRITI project in 2010, for Educatin and Vocational training for girls above 14 years. She still continues to coordinate both ANKUR & JAGRITI programmes, along with volunteering time in I Care, and following up with her other interests of gardening and cleanliness in the sector.
Mob: 9811853200

Neena Jaggi
Neena Jaggi, wife of retired Grp. Capt. Jaggi, is a trained Nursery Teacher who ran her own pre school and nursery. An avid Social worker, she is involved with various activities ranging from Swachch Bharat Avigyan to teaching and interacting with children and students from lower income groups.
Mob: 9891481415
May Their Soul Rest In Peace
As Anawa trust completes its ten years of existence, we acknowledge the yeoman service of two our founding Trustees, Usha Bhakshi and Shipra Konar, who have left for their Heavenly Abode.

Usha Bakhshi
Usha Bakshi was the force behind ANKUR ANAWA School, initially started ng in a temple premises in 1994 and moves into Bal Bharati Public School, Sector 21, NOIDA, with just one classroom allocated by the school, for teaching a small band of 10 children of the construction workers abounding in the area. Till her demise in July 2014, Usha was dedicated to the ANKUR School and much of its growth to the present strength of 400 students, has been her tireless effort and commitment. We dedicate this programme, ANAWA School, to Usha Bakhshi

Shipra Konar
Shipra Konar was involved in the Adult Literacy programme of ANAWA since its inception in 1995 in an Old School Building in Sector 37 NOIDA near Lal Market. A dedicated and brilliant teacher, it was her initiative that got ANAWA affiliated to the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) along with the current Trustee In-charge of the programme. Her sudden demise in Nov 2016, was a sharp reminder of the vulnerability and uncertainty of life. We dedicate this programme to Shipra Konar.
Our Patrons

Seated from left to right: Lt. General K. M. Seth, Mrs. Kelly Sikand , Air Marshal B. S. Sikand, Vice Admiral H. Johnson, and Admiral Sushil Kumar
Admiral Sushil Kumar, PVSM UYSM AVSM NM, Indian Navy (Retd.)
Admiral Sushil Kumar is a military veteran who served as the Chief of the Indian Navy during the Kargil War of 1999 and was later elevated as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the Army -Navy – Air Force. After his retirement from active duty in 2002 , Admiral Sushil Kumar has been a patron for our organisation , while his wife Venita Kumar serves on the Board of Trustees for ANAWA.
Air Marshal B. S. Sikand, PVSM AVSM, Indian Air Force (Retd.)
Vice Admiral H. Johnson, PVMS VSM, Indian Navy (Retd.)
Vice Admiral Johnson (retd) is a product of Joint Services Wing of the National Defense Academy and a graduate of the Royal College of Defense Studies, London. On completion of his Naval Training lasting almost five years, he specialized as a Fighter Pilot and served on Naval Ships and Air Stations. Among his non flying postings was Flag Officer Commanding, Eastern Fleet. His last three assignments before being superannuated in 1992 were Director General, Indian Coast Guard, Vice Chief of Naval Staff and Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief , Western Naval Command.
Lt. General K. M. Seth, PVSM AVSM, Indian Army (Retd.)
Former Governor of Chhattisgarh and Tripura (Two separate Terms), (born on 19 December 1939.) He retired from Indian Army as Adjutant General on 01 January 1998. An MBA (SIMS, Pune), MSC (Madras University), MSC (JNU, Delhi), Graduate (Frunzey Academy, Moscow), Graduate (Staff College, Camberley (UK).
Anawa is a wonderful organization run by a group of spirited ladies who are doing a fantastic job in educating first generation learners, thereby ensuring a bright future for them. Kudos to the effort, zeal and hardwork of these never tiring ladies.Amit Singhal